My friend Ray Bates, a Republican from Windsor, is running for the District 80 House seat. I first met Ray while on the Windsor Planning Board. I recognized him to have many of my same values.

I hired Ray several times to help out on some building projects. I found him to be a capable hard worker with his hands, back and mind. He is a critical and practical thinker. Over the past 14 years as a Windsor budget committee member and selectman, he has been involved with many infrastructure improvements, including the building of a new fire station, new recycling and transfer station, improved energy conservation of the town hall and food bank relocation, accomplishing them within the budget appropriated.

He has received top ratings from the NRA and from SAM.

Ray Bates is the fiscally conservative, hardworking, sportsman and family man we need to represent us in Augusta.

Jeff Murch


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