It’s been crazy following Question 1, the ban on bear hunting using bait, dogs or trapping.

As with most political ads, I feel both sides are playing with our emotions. The Associated Press has reported that 90 percent of the money being used for a yes vote is coming from Washington, D.C. Now how does that make you feel?

While I don’t necessarily agree with all three methods used, and I’ve never hunted bear, I believe that this is an issue for the state of Maine. I can narrow it down for all of us in a simple way. Mainers have an independent spirit and we like to make our own decisions.

Mainers need to vote no on Question 1 and let out-of-state interests know that we can and will take care of our own business. We need such a resounding vote that we won’t be voting on this in the future. It will then be up to all of us to make changes that are best for our state, not somewhere else.

Glenn Gervais


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