Gary Hilliard, a Republican from Belgrade (House District 76), has been an outstanding supporter of the kids of Southern Kennebec County and the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Gardiner for the past 15 years.

He has supported youth physical fitness and nutrition programs for thousands of girls and boys during this time. He understands the power of children and adults playing together and building healthy positive relationships that will be valued for a lifetime.

Gary also has employed several Club kids at his local business. He knows the value of hard work and the building strong work ethic in our young people.

We are grateful to Gary Hilliard for leading by example and stepping up to support our youth with transformational commitments that fuel the critical work of being done on their behalf. Together, we are creating more great futures for kids.

Ingrid l. Stanchfield

Chief professional officer

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Gardiner

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