I am writing to urge voters in Albion, Benton, China and Unity Plantation to vote for Tim Theriault, a Republican from China, who will bring a wide range of practical experience to House District 79. Tim recently retired as a millwright welder at Sappi Paper but continues to own and operate Cedar Springs Golf Course in Albion.

I have served with Tim for more than 25 years on the China Village Volunteer Fire Department, where he has been president and assistant chief for 14 years and chief the past two years. He also has served on China’s Budget Committee the past six years and on the Thurston Park Committee the last two years. His ability to work well with people should be of great benefit in meeting one of his top priorities — to create new job opportunities so more young people will be able to live and work in this wonderful state.

Bob Batteese, chairman

China Budget Committee

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