Farmington and New Sharon suffer from lack of jobs and restricted access to health care. Additionally, partly because of the state not paying 55 percent of RSU 9 expenses, and reducing its contribution to our highway expenses, our property taxes have risen. Ed David, a Democrat from Farmington, will tackle these problems head on.

Having been selectman and on the board of a number of charitable organizations, I have witnessed Ed serving on town committees, on the board of Greater Franklin Development and in other capacities that brought me to understand how effective he is and how much he loves our area and cares for its people.

These are difficult times for getting legislation passed in our gridlocked Legislature. Ed’s years as an attorney and working out settlements with people and courts emphasizes how valuable he would be to us in House District 113 at this time.

Please vote for Ed David as our representative. He will work his heart out for us.

Charley Murray


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