I would like to point out the errors of the editorial cartoon of Oct. 26. In this cartoon labeled “The Good Shepherd,” Pope Francis is holding three lambs. One lamb is white, one is black and one is rainbow-colored, evidently to represent homosexuals.

“The Good Shepherd” is a name that applies only to Jesus Christ. Jesus calls himself that in John 10:11, 14. His sheep are the people who have repented of their sins and are followers of Jesus, God the Son. To call anyone else by Jesus’ name is, of course, blasphemy. I don’t believe the pope would call himself that name.

In the Bible, the lambs are the new converts to Christianity. They could be black, white or any other color or any age.

Through out the Bible, homosexuals and homosexual acts are always called sin. Homosexual acts are mentioned in a lot of books. In Romans 1:25-28, the very acts of homosexuality are described as idolatry. Idolatry was the sin for which God let his people Israel be defeated and live in captivity in Babylon for 70 years.

Every person on earth has sinned and are in need of repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately few are seeking or find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

The rainbow was given by God after the judgment at the time of Noah when the rain stopped. This signified that He wouldn’t destroy the earth by flooding again. It’s a symbol to Christianity of the salvation by Jesus Christ to His people who have repented of their sins and come to Him for salvation. (Revelation 4:3; 10:1) The rainbow has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality.

In these last days, the devil is trying to deceive people, and he’s doing a really good job even without the help of the newspaper.

Albert R. Boynton


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