U.S. Energy Information Administration data shows U.S. electricity prices rose less than 3 percent from 2008-2013. The states with the highest percentage of wind power generation have electricity price increases of more than 20 percent.

Data from the top 10 wind power states show that from 2008-2013 electricity prices rose an average of 20.7 percent, which is seven-fold higher than the national average of merely 2.8 percent.

Federal and state taxpayer subsidies to wind power producers hide the additional cost of wind power. The federal wind power Production Tax Credit (PTC) gave wind power producers 2.3 cents for every kilowatt hour of power production last year. With U.S. retail electricity prices at 10.08 cents per kilowatt, the PTC allowed wind power producers to hide more than 20 percent of wind power cost. The wind power industry charges the American people still more money in backdoor taxes.

After tremendous start-up costs, operational wind farms employ few workers.

More jobs are created in the conventional power industry even while electricity production costs go down. And unlike wind power jobs, nearly all U.S. power plant manufacturing and operational jobs go to American workers.

Any way you look at it, wind power is needlessly raising living cost, reducing living standards, and destroying American jobs.

We can easily rectify the problem by repealing renewable power mandates and taxpayer subsidies that create higher electricity costs and widespread job destruction.

Richard Harris


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