People talk about procrastinators; well, I’m one in this instance and probably many more.

I’ve put off writing a letter to the Morning Sentinel long enough.What a wonderful column Amy Calder did about Bud and Jo King, “Reporting Aside: The power of family'” (Feb. 9). And the photo by David Leaming was great.

If ever a couple deserved such an article it was them. Nobody really knows all the good deeds these two have done over the years, but I’ve been by recipients about many of the good things. I’ve known Bud since we were kids, although our ages are a couple of years apart and we were in different grades in the years we were growing up. Then Bud worked for Leo Michaud in the grocery store, and he and Jo lived in an apartment in what was known as the Michaud Block.

I could tell people many good things about Bud and Jo, and as you must have guessed by now, we’ve been great friends for years. I recommend that people who missed the Feb. 9 newspaper and didn’t get to read their love story should make an effort to do so. They won’t be sorry. So long for now, and God’s blessings to all.

Elva Emeline Bard


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