I served in the 117th, 118th and 119th sessions of the Legislature as a state representative. I was disappointed to read the article, “Governor salary increase proposed,” in the March 17 issue of the paper that some legislators are introducing a bill to substantially increase their own wages. I suggest that they consider well their situation and ask themselves how many of their constituents receive similar financial perks over and above their basic wages.

Legislators receive:

• A mileage allowance for gas and other vehicle expenses when traveling to and from work.

• A $32 per day meal allowance.

• Excellent health insurance (not available to the general public).

• A lifetime monthly pension, depending on how long they have been involved in state government. And there are others.


A legislator is elected to serve a two-year term. During that time, he or she is expected to be in the State House 100 days the first year and 65 days the second doing the people’s work.

I would like to see the Legislature discuss Gov. Paul LePage’s proposed budget and wait for better economic times before voting themselves a pay increase.

Sumner A. Jones


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