I don’t understand why Question 1 on this November’s ballot is getting negative attention.

Question 1 is a referendum that is truly of, by and for the people — the people of Maine. It will strengthen our campaign finance laws, increase transparency in elections and limit the influence of wealthy special interests on our elected officials.

Best of all, it was placed on the ballot because of an unprecedented volunteer effort. More than 1,000 Mainers gathered more than 80,000 signatures from Maine residents to place it on the ballot. I’ve been a Maine resident since I left the regular army in 1996 to attend University of Maine, and I’m proud to have signed it.

That’s why it’s shameful to see opponents of Question 1 trying to mislead voters about who is truly behind the yes on Question 1 campaign.

Thousands of Mainers have given their time and resources to passing Question 1 at the ballot box in November. To claim that it is anything but a citizen-run campaign is dishonest and disrespectful to all those volunteers.

This Nov. 3, I am voting yes on Question 1. It’s time for Mainers to take back control of our elections.

Ted Perrin


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