A Farmingdale pair is organizing a benefit dance to purchase wreaths to lay on the graves of area veterans.

James Keenan, a Vietnam war era veteran, and Terry Hunter, will host the dance Saturday at Gardiner’s American Legion Post 4 at 46 Griffin St. Proceeds from the dance will be used to purchase wreathes through the Wreathes Across America Program to place on the graves of soldiers in the Gardiner and West Gardiner area.

“The purpose is to raise money, but also to make people aware of what it’s all about,” Hunter said.

Wreaths Across America each December organizes a patriotic convoy of tractor-trailer trucks that delivers balsam wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, D.C., and to other points along the way. The wreaths are provided by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington in Washington County. They are placed on the graves of servicemen and women.

“A lot of people have heard about the program but don’t know much about it,” said Keenan, who has gone on portions of the trip each of the past two years.

“Every day was just an unbelievable experience,” he said. “It’s just something you want to become a part of.”


Keenan and Hunter decided to organize the fundraiser so they could honor local veterans on national Wreaths Across America Day, which this year falls on Dec. 12. As wreaths are being placed on the graves of soldiers at Arlington, volunteers in central Maine will place the wreaths on graves here. Hunter said she will line up the volunteers, which she hopes will include civic groups, such as scouting programs, once she knows how many wreaths she is able to purchase. Each wreath costs $15.

“I’m hoping we can at least get 100,” Hunter said.

Keenan and Hunter are both members of the Gardiner Legion, which has agreed to host the dance. Hunter said there will be door prizes and raffles, including a 50/50 raffle, along with the dance. School Street Band, which plays a mix of musical genres, will provide the music.

The dance begins at 7 p.m., and is open to anyone 21 and older. Tickets are $10 per person and will be available at the door.

Hunter said Wreaths Across America is the vision of a Maine company but has been inactive in the state’s capital district. She and Keenan hope to change that.

“It always amazed me, with Augusta being the capital, that there isn’t more involvement in Wreaths Across America,” Hunter said. “They honor all veterans.”


For information, or to order advance tickets, call James Keenan at 582-6530.

Craig Crosby — 621-5642


Twitter: @CraigCrosby4

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