Gov. Paul LePage and first lady Ann LePage plan to open the Blaine House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and again Nov. 14 for the 5th Annual Blaine House Food Drive, according to a news release from the governor’s office.

“This provides us an opportunity to open the Blaine House to visitors and share the history of the house while collecting food for those who need a helping hand in our communities,” LePage said in a statement. “It’s important the first lady and I give back to the people of Maine and this is one of the ways we are able to do that.”

The food drive began in 2011. Since then, thousands of pounds of food have been collected for pantries and shelters across the state, according to the release. Those who donate get a tour of the Blaine House, led by the governor, and light refreshments will be provided.

All food donated goes to the Good Shepherd Food Bank in Auburn, which then will distribute the donations across the state.

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