The end of 2015 brings with it a historic milestone for our nation: This year marked 50 years since Head Start first opened its doors to families to provide quality, comprehensive early education to our country’s most vulnerable children. Since 1965, Head Start has opened windows of opportunity to 32 million at-risk children and their families.

I am one of those 32 million.

My parents both worked full-time jobs, living paycheck to paycheck to provide for our family. Head Start not only provided quality education and childcare so my parents could work, but it also gave me a strong foundation so I entered kindergarten ready to succeed.

Head Start gave me the tools early in life to support and nurture a desire to learn and grow as a person. Now that I have two children myself, I see firsthand how important a child’s earliest years are for learning and development.

My visit to a local Head Start program earlier this month confirmed this and reminded me how much of a difference a Head Start teacher’s care and education can make. Head Start levels the playing field for children who otherwise might start from behind through no fault of their own.

As a city councilor in Augusta and a former school board member, I enjoy giving back to the community that gave me so much — including a “head start.” Investing in Head Start is investing in our future, plain and simple.

So, as we celebrate the end of the year, and Head Start’s 50th birthday, let’s renew our commitment to investing in our future. Our future is very bright if we make the investment and commitment to ensure that all children have the tools and opportunity to succeed in life. What better gift could we give to our children than that?

Darek M. Grant


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