FAIRFIELD — Maine State Police are investigating the remains from a recent pregnancy they discovered Monday in a garage next to a mobile home on Norridgewock Road.

The Maine State Police Major Crimes Unit on Tuesday was searching the home and vehicles outside it. Steve McCausland, spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety, said in a press release Tuesday afternoon that the remains were found in a garage adjacent to the home and taken to the state Medical Examiner’s Office Monday night.

Reached by phone later, McCausland said police couldn’t yet say whether the remains were that of a pre- or post-birth pregnancy. “That information will hopefully help us to determine what we’re dealing with,” he said.

Detectives were called Sunday to the mobile home at 457 Norridgewock Road and interviewed the young man and woman who live there, McCausland said in the release. McCausland would not say Tuesday why detectives were initially called to the home.

At the mobile home late Tuesday morning, yellow crime scene tape was tied to both mirrors of a state police sport-utility vehicle and then tied to trees on either side of the driveway, blocking off entrance to the driveway. The crimes unit van was parked in front of a small gray garage.

At 12:35 p.m., police officials searched the interior and trunks of a gray four-door sedan and a smaller black car parked in the driveway.


Neighbors said Nicholas Blood and Kayla Stewart moved into the light blue mobile home five or six months ago with a little girl of toddler age.

Dana Lewis, a nurse who lives next door, said she and her family arrived home Sunday night and saw a lot of vehicles at the mobile home, but it was dark and they could not see well, but learned later that they were police vehicles. She said state police were at the mobile home all night Monday.

“Sunday night, cops were all over the place,” Lewis said. “There was a lot of activity with vehicles pulling in and out.”

Lewis said she was concerned, as no one had told neighbors what was going on next door. “It’s very upsetting,” Lewis said. “I don’t even need to know details.”

Later Tuesday afternoon, Lewis said she had finally learned what was happening next door.

The mobile home is on a busy stretch of road, which is Route 139, where big trucks and cars whiz by. A post holding a black mailbox beside the driveway appeared to have been knocked over and an attached green sign bearing the number 457 was hanging upside down. Sheets of plastic fastened to the home’s porch were torn and blowing in the wind.


The state police Major Crimes Unit typically investigates the most serious cases, including homicides.

Three state police officials — two men and a woman wearing gloves and shoe coverings — searched the cars in the yard. The woman spent a lot of time poring through items in the gray car’s trunk, including notebooks, clothing, paperwork and a stack of wooden slats tied together in a bundle. She appeared to look carefully at page after page of the notebooks.

Police at the scene Tuesday spent less time searching the black car, which had tinted windows and black wheels. One official photographed the inside of the trunk and then closed it.

Amy Calder — 861-9247


Twitter: @AmyCalder17

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