With the elections coming up in the fall, which is only a few short months away, I think people should be recognized for their accomplishments and solid strengths. Rep. Jeff McCabe, D-Skowhegan, has done wonders at Lake George State Park as park director. McCabe also put his bachelor’s degree in environmental education to good use, being a commendable director of Somerset County Soil and Water. He has served us well, but his career choice was politics.

Do we want to elect someone to the Senate who tours our New Balance factories shaking hands, making promises to do all he can to keep them afloat, and then later, supports his party, which supports the South East Asia Free Trade Agreement to import cheaper footwear to America.

McCabe wants to be Santa Claus, whatever you want, vote for him and it will be under the tree. More money for everything, benefits, expand MaineCare, increase education, more bird seed in your feeder. The fact is, there are little or no funds for these promises. It takes eight working people to support one that is not. McCabe says welfare fraud is a victimless crime, encouraging more fraud. He has never had to balance a really fixed budget, just “swipe the card”-style spending.

These Santa Clauses got us 20-plus trillion dollars in debt and growing. Tax the rich? Ride through any town, not many businesses left to bleed taxes from. Maine is 47th in the nation as friendly to business.

To help make America great again, McCabe should trade in his red suit and pen for a Smokey Bear hat and a rake.

Harold Bigelow


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