The town of Kingfield will walk down memory lane this weekend with history-oriented events at local businesses and Kingfield Elementary School as part of the town’s yearlong bicentennial celebration.

The series of events, being held Friday at Kingfield Elementary School and at several locations Saturday, has been dubbed History Weekend. This weekend, along with a long list of events planned through the year into December, is part of the town’s 200th anniversary of its incorporation in January 1816.

On Friday, the School History Fair will be hosted by Kingfield Elementary students and open to the public from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the school gymnasium.

For the last five weeks, students in grades pre-kindergarten through eighth grade have researched topics related to Kingfield’s history and have created presentations for townspeople to enjoy, according to Bicentennial Committee Chairwoman Tammy Goldfrank.

Students will be standing by their projects to answer questions, Goldfrank said.

On Saturday, 23 Kingfield businesses will take their turn presenting the town’s history in the Business History Open House. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. A full list of participating businesses and their locations can be found on the Bicentennial Committee’s Facebook page.


People are encouraged to visit as many of the participating businesses as they can to learn about the history of the business or its building, Goldfrank said.

Visitors can pick up a punch card at any of the businesses and have it punched for each one they visit, before dropping it off at Nostalgia Tavern between 12:30 and 7 p.m. to be entered into a raffle for a chance to win prize baskets.

The baskets are filled with donations of goods and services from local businesses and have estimated values of $150, $500 and $750.

The festivities continue Saturday night at the Nostalgia Tavern, when judging for the beard-growing contest will held at 7:30 p.m. Men have signed up since January for the competition, but walk-ins are welcome, Goldfrank said. Participants will be judged in categories: longest, softest, best mustache, best goatee, most creative and most hair grown.

Prizes will be awarded for winners in each category, though only people who pre-registered will be eligible to win in the most hair grown category.

The events will culminate at 9 p.m. with the Lumberjack Ball, also at the Nostalgia Tavern. Goldfrank said. Flannels is the required attire.


Bicentennial events will continue in June, with re-enactments of historic town photos on June 4, the day of Kingfield’s Town Meeting.

Lauren Abbate — 861-9252

Twitter: @Lauren_M_Abbate

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