I am writing regarding your article about the sentencing of Rudger Ellis by Judge John Woodcock (“Gardiner man imprisoned 5 years for 2 Rite Aid robberies,” April 6).

I am the mother of Dominic Pomerleau, who was sentenced to seven years in federal prison, which the newspaper mentioned at the end of the article.

I’m not sure why this has to be brought up again. Dom was sentenced and is doing his time.

However I believe more awareness needs to be brought to the people of Maine that we are in a serious public health crisis with addiction and what family members of addicts like myself are doing to give back and help.

I have spent hundreds of volunteer hours since Oct. 1 working with Operation Hope in my hometown of Scarborough. I just placed our 142nd addict into a long-term drug rehabilitation residential treatment center.

These addicts have a disease that does lead to crime many times so again more emphasis needs to be addressed on the positive work being done to help these men and women get the help they critically need, also reducing crime in our communities. Thank you.

Chantal Levesque

Angel No. 30, Operation Hope


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