Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start to summer for many and the first weekend you might be traveling to the beach, lake or mountains since last year.  This weekend the weather is all about location.  The differences in temperatures from the Maine coastline down to Cape Cod will be nearly as dramatic as from the Maine coast to the mountains.

The general theme of the weekend is warm to hot at the start, but turning cooler, especially along the coastline, on Sunday and Monday.

Showers are in the forecast and your smartphone might lead you to believe it’s going to rain more than it actually will.  As a matter of fact, if you missed Friday morning’s showers, you likely will remain dry until Monday.

A tropical weather system currently near Bermuda may bring some beneficial rain Monday.  While no one wants rain on a holiday, the region is very dry and this rain would help a lot.

Tropical Outlook This Weekend

As always, forecasts are subject to change.  The day most vulnerable to a forecast shift is Monday.  I’ll be updating on Twitter @growingwisdom throughout the holiday weekend.

If watching a parade …


The Red Sox are not in Boston this weekend, but there are a lot of parades on Memorial Day.  There could be tropical downpours, especially over southern and coastal areas during the time these are taking place on Monday. Bring your umbrella and check to be sure the parade you are headed to hasn’t been postponed.

Projected Highs Saturday

If you’re going hiking, biking or running …

The one day where heat will really be an issue is Saturday.  With temperatures approaching 90 over interior York and Cumberland counties Saturday afternoon, you’ll want to get the strenuous workouts over by the middle of the morning.  The sun is up around 5 a.m., so if you can force yourself to take that run early, you can take a nap when it’s hot later on.  Sunday and Monday will be much cooler, and along the coast  it will be particularly cool Sunday.

Projected Highs Sunday

If you’re going beaching and boating …

Saturday is the one day when even much of the coast will be warm.  On Sunday and Monday, marine air will bring a chill, especially east of Portland.  Highs Sunday could remain in the 50s in many coastal towns.

Maine coast to the North shore of Boston: Tides are high at about 4 a.m and 4 p.m this weekend, shifting toward 6 o’clock in the morning and evening late in the weekend.  Boaters need to be aware of a southerly flow of air Saturday shifting to the east on Sunday.


Seas will mainly be 2-4 feet, but always verify the latest forecast before heading out.

If you’re playing soccer, softball, baseball, or golf …

Saturday’s forecast: Humidity hasn’t been much of a factor yet this spring, but you’ll feel it Saturday.  The fields should be quite dry, even early, unless your town happens to see a quick shower.

Sunday and Memorial Day outlook:  Cool and dry on Sunday with that chance of heavier showers Monday.

Project Highs Memorial Day

If you’re gardening …

This is the weekend it’s safe to plant anything you desire.  Remember the sun is very strong.  The best time to plant is after 4 p.m., giving your plants the cooler evening, overnight and following morning to acclimate. Planting in the middle of the day can actually kill tender seedlings. Some much-needed rain may occur Monday, but water newly planted seedlings anyway.

If you’re running errands …

Park the car in the shade this weekend and leave the windows open just a bit.  The heat on Saturday means the interior of vehicles left in the sunshine can reach well over 100 degrees.  Use the middle of the day, when it’s warmest, to do your errands and spend the morning and the late afternoon and evening enjoying the weather.


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