The June 6 newspaper had a good article on the state Senate Demorcratic primary between Shenna Bellows and Terry Berry, with the exception of one glaring omission.

The paper reported Berry’s support for Planned Parenthood and gay and lesbian rights, but made no mention of Bellows’ support of these issues. This omission deserves correction. Shenna is not just strongly supportive of these issues, she has been a key leader in Maine to protect reproductive rights and advance LGBT rights.

She was a longtime leader in the Maine Choice Coalition, recipient of awards from Mabel Wadsworth Women’s Health Center and the AAUW. She was a key leader in the marriage equality campaign and served for seven years on the executive committee for that effort. She also spearheaded the creation of Republicans for the Freedom to Marry.

That’s why I am voting for her on June 14.

Susan Farnsworth


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