WINSLOW — Free summer lunches will be available starting Monday for anyone under 18 who wants one — regardless of income — in Waterville, Winslow and Vassalboro.

Alternative Organizational Structure 92, the school district that includes the three communities, is sponsoring its annual summer meals program and stressing that the food is available to anyone under 18 who wants it, no questions asked.

The program will kick off on Monday at Winslow Elementary School from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. with hamburgers, hot dogs, fruit and vegetables. Waterville Fire Chief David LaFountain will run a smokehouse at the kickoff event, to promote fire safety. Winslow police will give a presentation on summer safety. There will also be games and staff members dressed in vegetable costumes to promote healthful eating.

The meals are for any children, regardless of income status or residency. Someone from another state passing through central Maine could stop by one of the sites and pick up lunch for their children, said Paula Pooler, financial director and food service director for AOS 92.

The point is for people to choose a free, healthful lunch over getting fast food, said Barbara Bonnell, the district’s quality control supervisor for food. The federal government offers free lunch programs in the summer to everyone, regardless of income, to reduce the stigma for children who receive free or reduced-price lunches during the school year, Bonnell said.

“We’re a needy community,” she said, adding that to offer the program, a school has to be in a low-income community.


The free meals are handed out Monday through Friday until Aug. 19, with the exception of July 4. There are 12 sites in Waterville and five in Winslow, which include schools, playgrounds, parks and the library. A few sites also serve breakfast from 8 a.m. until 8:30 a.m.

Waterville has had the lunch program for more than 10 years, and Winslow has had it for three years. Last year, Waterville gave away 3,295 breakfasts and 8,679 lunches, and Winslow gave away 2,503 breakfasts and 3,820 lunches.

Madeline St. Amour – 861-9239

Twitter: @madelinestamour

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