As we near the end of this presidential campaign, several things have become clear.

Donald Trump is a frequent liar; that’s public record. His business ventures and bankruptcies have cheated hundreds of working people out of the pay they were due; that’s also public record. He engages in foreign relations by insulting our allies and pandering to our adversaries. His blustering, insulting rhetoric encourages bigotry, promotes violence, and creates divisiveness. And yet this man seeks to be president. Where is the public’s outrage? Where is the media’s indignation?

Talk shows spend countless hours on whether someone knew about under-inflated footballs and whether such a thing might be punishable as cheating — in a football game! Why are we not hearing more conversation about the cheating and lying of someone who wants to lead our country? Why is there not at least as much outrage and indignation about that as there is about a football game? If we hold athletes accountable for lapses in ethical standards and anti-social behavior, shouldn’t we hold the would-be leaders of our country to even higher standards?

Donald Trump’s dishonest dealings and lies should long ago have doomed his campaign and relegated his rantings to the lunatic fringe. Instead, the media’s uncritical appetite for the sensational has given him an undeserved appearance of credibility. Before it’s too late, let us take a long, hard look at how this candidate’s past dealings and present behavior clearly make him unfit to be president of the United States.

William Berlinghoff


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