Have you ever wondered where all the sacredness, and their concern, went when the unborn child becomes a resident?

There will be an “egger” on the Supreme Court. They have the numbers. As you know, an egger is someone who believes life starts with the egg, as opposed to those of us who believe life starts at birth.

I know of eggers who claimed such concern for the unborn they were even willing to vote for what was to them an odious choice for president just so there would be an anti-abortion Supreme Court justice.

But these same people are against government programs that might help make that life a decent one. They oppose help for day care, parental leave, Head Start, food stamps, increase in teacher salaries, are against gun control and for the death penalty. Question is, are they really concerned for the fetus or just trying to control other people’s lives?

However there are people like Pope Francis who while against abortion take as much interest in and show as much concern for the born child as the yet-to-be-born one. And in the Pope’s case, at least, that concern continues from the maternity ward to prisons and nursing homes and even to the grave.

That is the kind of egger who must be on the Supreme Court. Because despite being against abortion, those people have more in common with those of us who think life begins at birth than they do with the “once it’s born it’s no longer our concern” eggers.

There will be an egger on the Supreme Court. Right to life? Let us make sure that the life they insist on bringing into this world has a fighting chance to be a quality one.

George Hunt


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