SOLON — Projected spending for the coming year will increase by less than 1 percent if all articles are passed as recommended by selectmen and the Budget Committee during voting Saturday at Town Meeting.

Polls will be open for the election of municipal officers from 8 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Saturday at the Solon Elementary School on Main Street. The annual business meeting, including voting on the 28-article town warrant, is set to begin at 1:30 at the same location.

In election voting, Selectwoman Sarah Davis is seeking a return to office, unopposed for a three-year term. Road Commissioner Michael Foster and Town Clerk/Tax Collector Leslie Giroux are seeking re-election for a one-year term. School board director Laura Layman is seeking a return to office for a three-year term. No candidates on the ballot are opposed, but write-ins are allowed.

Elaine Aloes, chairwoman of the three-member Board of Selectmen, said the final municipal budget to be taken from taxation, after using money from surplus and considering state revenue sharing, was $493,406, at last year’s annual Town Meeting. This year selectmen are recommending a figure of $497,375, an increase of $3,968, or just under 1 percent. The Budget Committee is recommending $497,500, an increase of $4,093 over the current year, also less than 1 percent.

Department heads and various social service organizations are asking for $510,070, an increase of more than $16,600; but selectmen and Budget Committee members whittled down that figure to their own recommendations.

The Skowhegan Area Chamber of Commerce is asking the town of Solon for about $2,000, but the town boards are recommending not to spend any money on the chamber, as Solon is not currently a member, Aloes said.


Spending proposals include $31,000 for municipal salaries, $24,000 for the Fire Department, $67,000 plus fees and income for the transfer station, $90,000 for winter roads and $100,000 for summer roads.

Major projects up for a vote Saturday include borrowing $21,000 and spending up to $56,000 from transfer station reserve accounts to trade in the town’s 1991 Ford roll-off truck and buy a new one. Voters also will be asked to pay off the Highway Department truck loan using $20,000 for the reserve account and to spend up to $25,000 to do ditching and replace culverts on South Solon Road and Meeting House Road in preparation for paving next year.

Residents also will be asked to use $9,700 from a sidewalk reserve account and $45,000 from a paving account to repair and repave sidewalks on South Main Street, School Street, Pleasant Street and part of North Main Street.

Aloes said the town wants to take $278,956 from surplus to offset taxes, leaving $80,000 in the surplus account. The tax rate in Solon is $17.80 for every $1,000 in assessed property valuation.

Doug Harlow — 612-2367


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