
Voters approved, 198-131, a proposal to enact a 180-day moratorium on retail marijuana stores and social clubs. The selectmen voted 3-2 to recommend passage. The town also approved, 242-90, a referendum to issue up to $254,549 in bonds for repairs at Belgrade Central, China Primary and China Middle schools.


Farmingdale voters on Tuesday approved a prohibition on all retail marijuana establishments and retail marijuana social clubs by a vote of 192-91.

In the race for the Regional School Unit 2 seat, Jon P. Lambert defeated Aimee Ellis by a vote of 135-125.

Town Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, when residents will decide whether to spend up to $1 million on a new fire station.



Litchfield residents chose Gary Parker over Richard “Ric” Swett in the race to replace outgoing Selectman George Thomson.

Parker won with 230 votes to Swett’s 118 votes.


Voters in Dresden, Farmingdale, Hallowell, Monmouth and Richmond approved a $27 million Regional School Unit 2 budget in a validation referendum.

The budget is increasing 1.9 percent from the one approved last year, according to Superintendent Bill Zima.


Monmouth voters approved the budget 265-114; and in Farmingdale, it passed 158-126. In Richmond, the budget was approved 191-102; and in Hallowell, it passed 250-27. Dresden voters approved it 150-86.

During a public meeting last month, Zima outlined the $27,039,154 budget, which is $517,262.85 larger than the current one, saying the budget has increased 8.23 percent since the RSU was formed in 2009.

To minimize the increase, Zima said, the district is saving more than $146,000 by not replacing some retiring teachers and is saving another $48,692 by reducing the school administrative staff. A saving of $124,000 comes from retiring debt.

RSU 38

Voters in Manchester, Mount Vernon, Readfield and Wayne approved the proposed $17.2 million budget for Regional School Unit 38, the Maranacook Area Schools. The budget for the 2017-18 school year was adopted with little dissent May 17 at the district’s annual meeting.

Readfield voters approved the budget in a close vote; 239 voted for it, and 213 voted against it. Manchester voters approved the budget 252-83. Mount Vernon approved it 93-51. Wayne voters approved the budget 114-46.

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