In response to Gov. Paul LePage’s most recent shame-faced, crocodile-teared lamentation regarding the lack of enthusiasm for his $6.8 billion state budget, I have an observation and a request.

In observation, I’m reminded by a bit valuable advice from my grandmother: “Using shame to get what you want rarely provides what you expect.” With that axiom in mind, I believe our governor, fueled by his ever-toxic management style, now resorts to reverse psychology to humiliate the Legislature into capitulation.

As a request, I will say to LePage that should remaining governor be displeasing enough to broadcast his disgust to tens of thousands of radio listeners, then as my grandmother would put it, “belt up and leave.”

Because I’d rather have a governor that works with pride rather than shame. I’d rather have a governor with the elegance and eloquence necessary to work with others, rather than resorting to crass threats, confrontational posturing and gridlock.

Joseph V. Keelan

West Gardiner

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