I am very excited about the project to convert a landfill into a solar farm (”Waterville enters partnership to explore solar project at city’s capped landfill,” Aug. 7). This project is a great example of how innovation can turn an unproductive piece of land into something useful again.

According to Environment America’s clean energy progress report released this summer, Maine ranks 41st in the nation for solar energy. It’s time we turn that around, and this project will hopefully help foster confidence in other solar projects across the state. Solar technology has evolved to be efficient, reliable, and increasingly more affordable.

Although Maine’s solar bill, which would have partially restored net metering in the state, failed to survive a veto by Gov. Paul LePage, we are lucky to have other elected representatives that will listen to us and will work to protect our beautiful state. We must continue to encourage Sens. Angus King and Susan Collins to stop the rollback of federal safeguards such as the clean cars bill, the Clean Power Plan, and the Clean Air Act. Let our representatives know you appreciate the protections they have voted to keep in place and encourage them to continue protecting the environment, because our health and our children are worth it.

Julia Gesensway

Environment Maine


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