WATERVILLE — Local preschool children at Educare Central Maine recently browsed the titles and chose a new Little Golden Books to take home and share with their families. A partnership with The Molina Foundation and their Books Across Maine initiative made the event possible. The Kennebec Valley Community Action Partnership was awarded more than 500 books to distribute to children served by the organization.

Reading with children has a myriad of benefits. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to reading during the early years are more likely to do well in school. It is a bonding activity shared between adults and children, a time to relax and unwind together. And reading with children helps them to build speech skills and improve their ability to communicate. Over time, it can help children develop longer attention spans and better memory retention. And most of all, sharing books with children teaches them that reading is fun, according to a news release from Kennebec Valley Action Program.

“We are delighted to partner with The Molina Foundation on their Books Across Maine initiative,” said Suzanne Walsh, KVCAP’s chief executive officer, according to the release. “Books are a vital tool for both learning and pleasure. This wonderful community endeavor helps families build their home libraries.”

Educare Central Maine is a partnership between KVCAP, Waterville Public Schools, the Bill and Joan Alfond Foundation, and the Buffett Early Childhood Fund, serving children aged six-weeks to five years old in Waterville.

For more information, contact Andrea Pasco at 859-1630, or andreap@kvcap.org.

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