WATERVILLE — Waterville Public Works Director Mark Turner stood Wednesday at Head of Falls, looking south along the riverbank where construction has started on a new<URL destination=”https://www.centralmaine.com/2018/04/03/waterville-council-approves-using-300000-in-tif-money-to-help-fund-riverwalk/”> $1.5 million RiverWalk.

</URL>He pointed to the river, explaining that a boardwalk will stretch about 900 feet along the bank, from the plaza at the Two Cent Bridge all the way north to “The Ticonic” sculpture and a future amphitheater. The walkway will turn west and head through an underpass leading to Front Street. Turner said a crosswalk will be built there so people can cross the street and go downtown if they wish.

Meanwhile, a new parking lot and sidewalk with slip-form curbing will be built west of the RiverWalk and stretch north about 850 feet from the plaza to a point near the underpass. B&B Paving Inc., of Hermon, will pave the lot and sidewalk; and Dirigo Slipform, of Old Town, will develop the sidewalk curbing.

Gordon Contracting Inc., of Sangerville, is building the RiverWalk, which, in addition to the amphitheater, will include a children’s play area, landscaping and a decorative fence with lighting and alternate styles of walking material, including brick and cobblestones, according to Turner.

The parking lot, sidewalk and curbing will be developed in the next few weeks with funds the City Council approved Tuesday night. Money also were approved to pay for paving the area of The Concourse where “The Ticonic” sculpture formerly stood before being moved recently to the riverbank, as well as money to pave a lot off Main Street that formerly was the site of the Elden Inn.

City Manager Michael Roy explained Wednesday that the council voted April 17 to spend $147,000 to have B&B to pave County Road. On Tuesday, the council agreed to add $78,230 to that amount to have B&B add The Concourse, Elden Inn and Head of Falls paving projects.


“They’re going to do Elden Inn and The Concourse as early as next week or the following week,” Turner said. “I think they’re going to be paving County Road in between and then go back to Head of Falls.”

The council recently approved up to $15,000 for moving the sculpture, but the move cost less than that — $6,700, according to Roy. The cost for paving the former Elden Inn lot — $25,715 — also was less than the estimated $40,000, so the leftover money will be used to pay for The Concourse paving, which will cost $7,110, Roy said. The Head of Falls parking, sidewalk and curbing will cost $45,405. Of the $78,230 approved Tuesday, $40,000 is being allocated from the Hathaway tax increment financing account and $38,230 is from the 2017-18 capital improvement annual pavement maintenance account.

In other matters Tuesday, the council voted 7-0 to sell a tax-acquired property at 59 High St. and establish hours for voter registration as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, with special evening hours on June 6 extended to 7 p.m.

City Clerk Patti Dubois said absentee ballots for the June 12 election are available at her office in City Hall and residents may obtain ballots there, call 680-4211 to have ballots mailed to homes or go online to www.waterville-me.gov and click on city clerk’s office. Absentee ballots must be returned by 8 p.m. June 12. The deadline for requesting absentee ballots is 5 p.m. June 7, according to Dubois.

The council also voted 7-0 to issue food and liquor licenses to Portland Pie Co. and make changes to mobile food vendor rules and the property maintenance and building and electrical permit ordinances.

Amy Calder — 861-9247


Twitter: @AmyCalder17

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