Sculptor Jesse Salisbury installed his sculpture “River Stone” on Wednesday with the help of his father, Jim Salisbury, and son Ren Salisbury in Castonguay Square in downtown Waterville.

“River Stone” was created from a single, 3-ton piece of granite similar in shape and surface texture to stones found in rivers that have been worn smooth by water, ice, and time, according to a news release from Waterville Creates! The 6-foot-tall stone has been split in two halves to create two seating spaces, and forms removed from the inside of the stone fit together to form a table between the seats.

Rivers and rocks are often metaphors for time and change, and Salisbury’s sculpture mimics the effects of water and natural forces on stone as he is making a space that people flow through and around.

The sculpture will be in Castonguay Square through September, available to people to flow through and around and perhaps take a seat and have a coffee while they hash out their differences concerning stone and water.

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