WATERVILLE — Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanderers will join the Maine Association of Nonprofits from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, at the 16th annual Maine Nonprofit Day in the Hall of Flags at the State House on State Street in Augusta. Nonprofit Day provides an opportunity for nonprofits and government to assert their commitment to working together in order to creatively, efficiently and effectively serve the people of Maine, according to a news release from the children’s home.

The Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanderers features a full Hague-accredited adoption program that provides assistance to families hoping to adopt internationally or domestically. The Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanderers, founded in 1899, builds and strengthens Maine families and their children, instilling hope for the future and a better quality of life. In addition to the adoption program, the agency offers outpatient counseling, the Sharon Abrams Teen Parent School Program, The Children’s Place Early Care and Education Center, a summer camp scholarship program, and a Christmas Program that provides clothing and toys to underprivileged Maine children.

“Maine’s nonprofits are complex and strategic organizations. They create jobs, develop community leaders, and invest significant financial and human resources across the State,” said Jennifer Hutchins, Executive Director of MANP, according to the release. “We are thrilled to highlight this diverse sector at the State House.”

Maine Children’s Home was selected to participate in the annual event, sponsored and hosted by the Maine Association of Nonprofits.

For more information on this event, call the Maine Association of Nonprofits at 871-1885 or visit nonprofitmaine.org/nonprofitday.

For more information about The Maine Children’s Home, visit MaineChildrensHome.org.

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