The U.S. Senate will soon vote on the Green New Deal. This is led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in an attempt to stifle constructive work on this newly drafted proposal. Like any new proposal, this document will need time to be reviewed, revised and edited before it is ready to be voted on. Bringing it to a vote so quickly stops that work.

The people of the United States deserve and demand our country to aggressively address climate change. That is what the Green New Deal, brought forward by Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, plans to do.

The New Green Deal will keep us safe from climate change and create millions of new green jobs. It is a common-sense policy that is overwhelming popular with the American people.

I ask, why would we not want this? Is it because many of our political leaders take massive sums of money from oil lobbyists? That is certainly one powerful reason. Please contact your senators and demand that they support the New Green Deal.


Mary Dunn

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