Regarding Sue L’Hommedieu’s Aug. 23 letter, “Mainers should block reckless assisted-suicide law,” I’d like to know what her sources of information are. I’ve been following this issue for awhile now, and I’ve never heard of anyone being “denied coverage for life-extending treatments” because of the Death with Dignity Act, here or in other states.

I know the Maine Christian Civic League is trying to overturn L.D. 1313 by a people’s veto, and if that’s where she’s getting her “facts,” she might want to know that the league is not above making up such “facts” for legislative purposes. I’ve been at a hearing in the State House where the league was giving testimony, and every time one of the legislators questioned the league speaker, the speaker was unable to back up their statements with any actual facts to support their case.

Don’t let the league, or anyone else, take away your right to deal with a terminal illness on your own terms.

Claire Prontnicki


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