JAY — Selectpersons voted 3-1 Monday to not accept clear plastic or glass for recyclables.
Selectperson Judy Diaz said there is no market for glass or clear plastic, which is any except No. 2.
No. 2 plastics are mostly milk jugs and laundry and dish-washing detergent containers, she said.
Other plastics, such as clear ones, and glass jars and containers should be put in the trash.
People are still washing out glass containers, but if there is no market for them they should be put in the trash, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.
Voting for the measure were Chairman Terry Bergeron, Vice Chairman Tim DeMillo and Diaz; Gary McGrane was the dissenter.
McGrane suggested they charge for disposing of shingles because the town is paying about $66 a ton to get rid of them.
No action was taken but it could be revisited in the future.
In other business, the board held a public hearing and afterward voted 3-1 to appoint Susan Theberge and Linda Reynolds-Flagg as regular members of the Planning Board for two years. They also voted to appoint Alfed Dufour III as an alternate until September 2023.
The appointments were made in the order in which the requests were made by the three residents.
Diaz opposed the appointments while Bergeron, DeMillo and McGrane approved the appointments.
In another matter, LaFreniere informed the board that she received a letter from Christine Fournier, administrative assistant to the Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce, in regards to the cost of fireworks going up 15% because of tariffs.
LaFreniere said the total increase is $825.
The total cost for the fireworks is currently $5,500, which is split among three towns.
The board voted to take the town’s share from the Recreation Account for the 2020 fireworks, if the other towns also agree to pitch in.
The board held a moment of silence at the beginning of the meeting to remember all who were affected by the explosion in Farmington on Sept. 16. Farmington Fire Rescue Capt. Michael Bell died in the explosion, six firefighters and Jay resident Larry Lord were seriously injured, and 30 people were dislocated.
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