Avangrid’s sanctimonious full page ad (Sept. 26, page A5) is a sickening example of greenwash. There is no power line of any size visible in the lovely background scenery, let alone one on the scale of the one proposed by Central Maine Power.

The money spent on the ad would be better used to reduce the impact of the project, either by routing it along already established corridors, such as Route 201, putting it underground, or both.

The ugly truth is that the shareholders of this foreign-owned private utility don’t care about Maine, if they even know where it is. They care about maximizing profits and maintaining share value, when they can well afford to do a better job of getting the juice down from Canada. And CMP execs are in thrall to them; their jobs depend on their doing the bidding of the parent company.

Once done, the damage to the last big forest in the east cannot be undone. Wild and beautiful places are disappearing fast. Maine should require CMP/Avangrid/Iberdola to do it right, and not allow them just to do it cheaply.

Fred Scholz

Cambridge, Massachusetts

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