As humans we are all subject to extremes from time to time. Sometimes they can be helpful, sometimes not. As we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic extremes are more than likely not helpful. 

In the Kennebec Journal of April 25, several pictures of protesters are included in an article involving the latest news of the pandemic. I have a couple of questions regarding the photos.

In one stands a woman holding a sign that says, “We need fresh air/open the outdoors.” The irony in that is, she is standing outdoors in the fresh air!

The second photo shows the sign with what, I guess, is a comparative reference to the implemented COVID-19 policies and slavery. Extreme? You bet. 

Because we have been told to stay at home or practice safe distancing to change our lifestyles, we’ve become slaves? I invite those who make that comparison to “hop online” or in some way reference historical material involving slavery to see if COVID-19 policies compare with slavery. Believe me, they don’t.

Robert Creamer


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