I am so sick of the ignorance and fear that is creeping into communities from COVID-19. People are mad at our governor for implementing a plan to open up our beautiful state. They seem to be really mad about having to wear masks in public. They are protesting, creating petitions, and saying really hurtful and hateful things.
People of Maine, we are better than this. Don’t let fear drive you to hate and disrespect. You are not better or more important than anyone else. A man tried opening his restaurant a month early, despite the rules set in place. He got into trouble for breaking the rules, and people are angry.
So, what if the governor just let that go? More people would think they are more important, and entitled to do whatever they want, putting others in harm’s way. It is the ignorance and fear that is keeping us from hugging our loved ones, returning to work, and having some kind of normalcy.
I know that everyone wants someone to blame for the circumstances we have found ourselves in, but what good is that doing? If you are afraid, reach out instead of lashing out. You don’t like the government controlling you? Think about all of the rules you have been following before this. People are scared their loved ones could die; stop shaming them for wanting to keep their families safe. We need to practice civility and support our communities right now.
Gov. Mills is doing the best that she can with what is given to her. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is trying to keep us safe. Some of these rules may seem ridiculous but I will follow them to protect others.
Please start spreading love and support and stop spreading hate and disrespect. We are all in this storm together.
Kelly McCarthy
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