To paraphrase Shakespeare, “To open or not to open. That is the question.” Surely this is the spring of our discontent. Moreover, it could certainly be said of Gov. Janet Mills that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. But the lady doth delay too much, methinks.

Maine needs to “re-open”. Slowly, but deliberately with the utmost caution, employing masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and any other measure to keep a lid on and “flatten” the trajectory of this unspeakable virus ravaging our people, our land, and our world.

For example, I truly enjoyed a recent haircut. The experience was akin to being prepped for surgery. No matter; the chair was swabbed down, I wore a mask and a tissue was banded around my neck. Grateful, I doubled the tab.

We’ve expanded our garden. Eventually, we’ll enjoy its bounty — but more immediately, we’ll nurture its growth, not by simply watching it, but working it. Turning and aerating the soil, watering. Only then will it spring back to life. These days, it’s imperative to lift our spirits.

Like a garden, our economy will not get up and grow without care and effort. Sacrifices, risks — and yeah, applying some fertilizer.  The nature of fertilizer brings me to the Trump administration.

Shakespeare’s “Richard III,” Act 3: “Off with his head!” On Nov. 3, Act 1; “Off with their heads!”  President Trump’s exalted role in, and responsibility for, bungling this national tragedy amidst self-serving relentless bombast begs for his swift departure from the all the world’s stage — forevermore!


Certainly better, albeit different, days are coming. ‘Till then, friends, citizens and countrymen — to thine own self and respecting others, be true. Because like our tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, we’re all in this garden together.


Buddy Doyle


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