Re: “Presidential campaign tensions run high in Sidney over selectman’s signs calling Trump a ‘Liar,’” June 22.

Resident Kelly Couture said Selectman Alan Tibbetts is “trying to stir the pot” with his sign, which she called “divisive” and “borderline hate speech.” She described Donald Trump. I would love to hear what she would have to say about the pro-Trump flags sold by Amazon that feature profanity, several of which are flying on the front of homes in Madison, and which can be seen by all, including children that live in an apartment complex located across the street, and by anyone going to a nearby cemetery.

Madison town manager stated that it is OK to hang these flags because it’s freedom of speech. Wouldn’t Madison look great if every homeowner flew one of those flags? Give them to the kids to carry around, put them on the back of your big pickup truck to go along with the Confederate flag you’re flying.

I would say the word “Liar” is nothing compared to those flags. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with placing the “Liar” sign next to Trump-Pence signs; it simply states a well-known fact. Freedom of speech, do and say anything you like.

Things have really taken a turn for the worse since the liars have been in office.


Randy Franzose


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