I have voted in Maine elections for the past 50 years. Over that period I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates, depending on the person and their stands on the issues. I have voted for Susan Collins more than once in the past. I will not vote for her again.

The election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States became a litmus test for the courage of Republican senators: Would they stand up for dignity, decency and the well-being of their constituents, or would they follow a self-involved master of deceit down a path of destruction under the banner of party loyalty?

Three times Sen. Collins failed the test of courage. She voted to install a Supreme Court justice with a history of anti-abortion sentiments. She voted to pass a tax bill that rewarded corporations at a potential cost of taking away health care from millions. She voted to acquit the worst president since Andrew Johnson of impeachment.

A true patriot would have risked her political career and have withdrawn from the GOP and become an independent until her party came to its senses. She did not. She no longer deserves the votes of the citizens of Maine. Sara Gideon does.


Dennis Perkins


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