Chloe Maxmin will be an outstanding state senator for District 13. Vote for Maxmin on Nov. 3.

This is a person who studies and understands the issues and will take appropriate action and will follow through to be sure it’s done well. In March as it was clear that COVID-19 was in Maine and people were requested to remain at home, Chloe was concerned that many people may not know where to turn for help if they needed it. So Chloe organized a team of volunteers and together they called her constituents in House District 88, where Chloe is the representative. They focused on the older residents to see if they needed help with anything. I received one of those gracious, courteous and helpful calls.

Fortunately, I didn’t require extra help, but many people needed answers to lots of question or help to get food or food delivery or their prescriptions. Chloe is continuing to provide this assistance to folks, as COVID-19 is still with us. As Chloe said in a recent get-together, “I answer my phone.”

Chloe’s objectives are important and are the same as mine: help seniors, support public education, support alternative and renewable energy, ensure Mainers have access to affordable and good health insurance. You will be glad that you voted for Chloe Maxmin on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Mary Sheldon

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