Since it seems the Legislature is going to engage in a study for the viability of purchasing Central Maine Power to make a true public utility, I think there should be a moratorium on the new, hotly debated, destructive and ugly power corridor through Maine’s forest. The moratorium should last at least until the Legislature has decided whether or not to proceed with and complete the purchase of CMP’s assets. If Maine decides to purchase CMP then the state will be able to decide what needs to be done, not investors in Spain. If Canadian power still wants the corridor, they can surely bury the contentious portion of the corridor.

The people behind NECEC sued Maine saying the proposition regarding the corridor was unconstitutional. Also the project was approved by all the committees, commissions, agencies, etc., so it should be good to go. To my knowledge Maine’s constitution agrees with the Constitution of the United States when it comes to “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” I don’t believe any of the people on any of these agencies/commissions/committees were elected to their positions by the people of the state of Maine.

The Maine Supreme Court has bowed down to NECEC concerning constitutionality. I guess if you throw enough money around in the state of Maine, you can get what you want.

We really need a moratorium on this project until the Legislature decides whether or not to buy this utility.


Fred Drew

West Gardiner

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