Hilary Koch is a rare leader because she would represent both conservative and liberal Mainers. Too often today, politicians try to convince us that the opposing political party is all wrong. Hilary fully respects that both the left and right have important things to say, and respectful, civil discussion is the only way to bring these truths together to solve Maine’s problems.

Hilary is a longtime Waterville resident and would represent Albion, Benton, Clinton, Fairfield, Unity, Waterville and Winslow.

All Mainers deserve health care. No one should choose between buying food or essential medication. Hilary would fund education fully to prepare our youth for success in white- and blue-collar careers, and promote loan forgiveness for students who commit to stay in Maine. She’ll focus on creating good jobs, particularly in green energy.

We need Hilary to help make Augusta work better for us.


Richard Thomas


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