Ed and Dianna Fredrikson of Fredrikson Farm in China pose with their goats. Contributed photo

As the holiday season draws to a close, farmers like Ed and Dianna Fredrikson in China can help people find a sustainable second use for their Christmas tree — by feeding it to their goat herd.

Goats are natural browsers and eat brush as well as grasses, according to a Fredrikson Farm news release. Evergreen trees are full of essential nutrients that are harder to come by at this time of year, which help keep goats’ digestive systems healthy.

In the Fredrikson family’s experience, providing a balanced and nutritious diet that closely follows a goat’s natural grazing habits contributes to a robust and flavorsome chevre, or goat cheese. Their 50-strong herd quickly consumes evergreen trees.

Ed Fredrikson, co-founder of Fredrikson Farm said, “Our goats love the taste of evergreens and will gladly recycle your pre-loved Christmas trees. A varied diet keeps our herd happy and healthy — we think it’s what makes our cheese so tasty. We encourage Mainers to consider recycling their Christmas trees with a local goat farmer.”

Fredrikson Farm is located at 60 Danforth Road, China. There is a sign on the roadside by the drop-off location, and trees should be free of any ornaments or tinsel.

For more information, email the Fredriksons at fredriksonfarm@gmail.com.

Fredrikson Farm’s goat herd in China is accepting old Christmas trees. Contributed photo

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