Eight organizations serving Lincoln and Sagadahoc County residents in need of emergency food and shelter support will receive $69,604 in funds from the federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP).

The grants are part of federal the program’s and American Rescue Plan Act funds.

In Lincoln and Sagadahoc counties, United Way of Mid Coast Maine provides administrative support and convenes the local EFSP board. Local board members represent partners from throughout the Midcoast, including American Red Cross of Central and Mid Coast Maine, Beth Israel Congregation, Catholic Charities Maine, Central Lincoln County YMCA, Midcoast Maine Community Action, Tedford Housing, The Salvation Army Bath-Brunswick Corps and United Way of Mid Coast Maine.

“These EFSP funds help to put food on children’s plates, keep families at risk of homelessness housed through emergency housing, and create an essential safety net at an uncertain time,” said Maria Hinteregger, director of community impact at United Way of Mid Coast Maine. “We are honored to help community organizations provide essential food and shelter for our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Funds will be awarded to the following Lincoln and Sagadahoc County organizations: Bath Area Family YMCA; Boothbay Region YMCA; CHiP Inc.; New Hope Midcoast; Richmond Area Food Pantry; Spectrum Generations – Meals on Wheels; St. Philips Episcopal Church – Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry; Tedford Housing.

In addition, anyone seeking assistance with food, shelter, or utility payments should contact 211Maine by dialing 211, texting their zip code to 898-211, or visiting 211maine.org.

Funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Emergency Food and Shelter Program supplements and expands ongoing work of local nonprofit and governmental social service organizations to provide shelter, food, and supportive services to individuals and families who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, hunger and/or homelessness.

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