Joshua Cicchino kneels beside Sal, a one year old black Lab being raised by Cicchino and his partner, Image Moore seen in back. The couple from Anson want to start a local chapter of Guiding Eyes for the Blind and held a “Raiser Demonstration” Saturday afternoon, Aug. 20, at Tractor Supply on the Wilton Road in Farmington. 

Sarah Bolduc of Gardiner holds Petey, a one year old yellow Lab being greeted by Barbara Martin of Bethel Saturday afternoon, Aug. 20, at Tractor Supply in Farmington. Bolduc is puppy raising Petey for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Martin has raised pups for the program in the past, is thinking of puppy sitting for the program. 

Barbara Martin of Bethel at left watches Image Moore of Anson greet Petey, a one year old yellow Lab being held by Sarah Bolduc of Gardiner Saturday afternoon, Aug. 20, at Tractor Supply in Farmington. A “Raiser Demonstration” was in progress for those interested in learning more about raising pups for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Moore and Bolduc are currently raising pups for the program while Martin raised dogs for the program about 20 years ago. She said she lived in Farmington for a time, was living in Oakland when raising pups to become guide dogs for the blind. 

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