Party affiliation:
Social media accounts:
Winthrop High School 2006, UMaine 2010, Maine Law 2013
Community Organizations:
Past president and board member of the Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed; Board member Winthrop Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce; former volunteer Member of Winthrop Plays Outside committee; former assistant Winthrop High School and Middle School coach; Winthrop YMCA baseball coach
Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
I am a lifelong resident of this district and it is where I met my high school sweetheart, now wife, Nicole Hasenfus (formerly Emery). We enjoy giving our three kids the same experiences we had playing sports, boating on Maranacook and Cobbossee lakes and recreating in the Maine woods.
Family status:
Years in the Legislature:
Committee assignments (if elected):
Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business Committee, Judiciary, Environment and Natural Resources, Appropriations and Labor and Housing committees.
1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
I sincerely believe that my success as a representative is measured by the lived experiences of the people in my community. I witnessed firsthand the impacts successful legislation can have on our community, as I saw the daily parade of children venturing to Norcross Point for school-provided lunch, talked with daycare providers who were able to weather the pandemic through subsidies allowing them to pay their staff a fair wage without raising tuition and I continue to watch state agencies and lake associations leave no stone unturned in their efforts to fight milfoil.
But, the true measure of success will be left up to our children, as their generation is the one that will be writing my report card long after my term has ended. Success is, three years from now, when a young woman who seized the opportunity of expanded vocational training at Maine schools celebrates her graduation from nursing, culinary, or electrical school, debt free and begins a career that will not only give her meaningful employment, but also benefits our community by providing services desperately needed.
Success is keeping a senior citizen in her home. Success is keeping residents from having to choose between heat, or groceries. Success is getting a homeless veteran off the streets and into a home. Success is when a child avoids entering the foster care system, because the state acted proactively to get a parent the mental health and substance abuse treatment needed to allow them to be a loving parent.
2) Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
Lincoln said it best when he described our government as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. As such, all governmental business is necessarily the people’s business. The public must be given reasonable access to government information so long as it will not cause harm.
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