WATERVILLE — Connecting downtown to the RiverWalk at Head of Falls is planned to be a topic of discussion Tuesday as the City Council holds its fourth session to get input from the public on what the downtown needs aside from the ongoing revitalization work.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 6:15 p.m. at The Elm at 21 College Ave. and will precede a regular council meeting at 7 p.m. Those wanting to view or take part in the meetings remotely may do so via a link on the city’s website, www.waterville-me.gov.

As the $11.2 million downtown revitalization project approaches its last few weeks, the city and Colby College are working together to have the community envision how the area around downtown Waterville might look in the future, from the south end of Front and Main streets to the Hathaway Creative Center and Elm Street.

Officials say it is important for the public to have input in the process, similar to the approach used to draft the outline of the project that is underway on Main and Front streets.

Developing a better connection between downtown and the RiverWalk was one of the matters discussed as part of a series of workshops held in 2018 and 2019 for the public to give input on how to make improvements to Castonguay Square. But the redesign for the square will not happen as planned, though it is hoped some changes will be made, Mayor Jay Coelho said recently. The plan developed for Castonguay Square did not meet the historic preservation requirements put forward by the state.

Councilors on Tuesday are scheduled to take a second, final vote on whether to rezone 287 and 289 Main St. from Contract Zoned District/Commercial-A and Residential-C, respectively, to a new Contract Zone District/Commercial-A.

Jeff Karter, owner of Waterville Florist & Formal Wear at 287 Main, and an apartment building next to it at 289, requested the zone change, which would allow for more uses than just the flower shop and apartments. Permitted uses with the new zone would include business and professional offices, retail stores and service establishments. The two buildings share a parking lot and Karter has been making improvements to the sites.

The council also is slated to consider naming the new skatepark at Green Street Park in the city’s South End for David Dutil Jr., who was an active member of the Waterville skateboarding community and worked tirelessly to bring a new skatepark to the city. Dutil died in 2016.

Councilors will be asked to take a first of two needed votes to approve a natural gas easement to allow Summit Natural Gas to serve the Concourse downtown. All of the businesses in the strip mall next to Appleton Street have requested natural gas connections, according to a memo to the council from City Engineer Andy McPherson.

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