Eagle Scout Connor Files at the Skowhegan Federated Church. Submitted photo

Skowhegan has one new Eagle Scout, Connor Files received Scouting’s highest rank during a ceremony at the Skowhegan Federated Church on Sept. 25.

“My Eagle Scout project included mapping trails in the Coburn Woods and installing an informational kiosk for the Somerset Woods Trustees,” Files said a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district vice chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting.

Files, a son of Darren and Margaux Files of Skowhegan, is 16 and attends Skowhegan Area High School.

State Sen. Brad Farrin of Norridgewock, one of more than 70 people who attended the ceremony, praised Files for his “excellence in skills development, leadership, personal growth and community service,” while presenting him with a U.S. flag that had flown over the Maine Capitol and a legislative sentiment.

Besides Scouting, Files enjoys downhill skiing, mountain biking, hunting and fishing.

The Rev. Mark Tanner, who provided the invocation and benediction, praised Files not only for his Scouting work but also for the care and nurturing way he interacts with both the younger scouts in the troop as well as his own brother Nolan.

“Scouting is a great opportunity not only to get kids out into the wilderness but also teach them fantastic life skills that will take you far in life,” Files said.


Brothers Nolan, left, and Connor Files show off some of Connor’s Pinewood Derby Cars. Submitted photo

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