Voters in the new State House District 68, covering Pittsfield, Burnham, Troy and Clinton, should get solidly behind Stanley Short. As a certified welder with decades of experience in the mills, Stan knows the value of earning a living with your hands and by the sweat of your brow. He knows that increased access to training in the skilled trades, such as welding, electrical, plumbing, is a critical priority for Maine, one that he will address in the coming Legislature.

In previous terms in the Legislature, he has sponsored legislation that received broad bipartisan support and was enacted into law, sometimes over the governor’s veto. He knows that simple, quick-fix solutions proposed by some often create far more problems than they solve. His decades of experience as a union representative have honed his skills at finding solutions to difficult, contentious problems that leave all parties satisfied.

Stanley Short has demonstrated effective, thoughtful leadership in the House. We need to send him back in November.

Robert Nelson



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