Art work by students from Lake Region High School will be on display through Friday, March 31, at Gallery 302 in Bridgton. Submitted photo

Artwork by students from Lake Region High School is on display for the 2023 Student Art Show at Gallery 302 in Bridgton. Thanks to the encouragement of the art teachers and the willingness of the student artists to share their work with us, we are able to participate in the national celebration of visual arts for grades K-12.

Youth Art Month is an annual observance each March to emphasize the value of art and art education for all children. It recognizes the skills developed in visual arts as experiences that are not possible in other curriculum areas and that are vital skills that contribute to the success of our children in a global society.

The student works will be on display through Friday, March 31.

Gallery 302 is located at 112 Main St., Bridgton. For more information, call (207) 647-2787.

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